On Nov 8, 2009, at 1:03 PM, John Duncan Yoyo wrote:
Some of that is the duration of the outages. The Sidekick mess was a few
a week or two, Mobileme was prolonged.  Google was out for what a few
hours? Every one is going to have server problems but the time it takes to
remedy the situation should be part of the outrage level.

At the time I posted about the M$ $idekick $crewup the story was that there was no backup and all user files were permanently lost. Only WFBs thought that was hokedokey.

But this is a standard tactic of the radical right. Just look at how they go after Nancy Polosy. They hardly ever take her on over any specific issue. They attack her solely because she exists. In the technical discussions conducted on this list this tactic is especially idiotic.

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