> > This is a problem with every news site.  Check NYT or LATIMES or any other
> > news paper.
>   Agreed.  I see this all the time.

Fox Nation is a serial headline-abuser. In their case it appears to be 
intentional. Nobody could be THAT bad at the summarizing an article's content 
in a few words, and, oddly, the misstatements
ALWAYS lean far right.

One example among hundreds: A UK judge granted a hearing to a guy who says he 
was fired due to his environmental beliefs (he won't fly). The judge said that 
a person's environmental beliefs, if firmly
held, have the same legal status as a philosophy or a religion, meaning that 
you can't fire someone for holding them. A Telegraph article reported it with 
this headline:

  Climate change belief given same legal status as religion

But Fox's post linking to the Telegraph article was headlined:
  UK Judge Rules Climate Change A "Religion". 

Oh, please. He said it has the same legal status AS a religion (or a 
philosophy). He didn't say that it IS a religion (or a philosophy). Someone 
tell me this wasn't intentional.

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