On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 7:10 AM, Chris Dunford <seed...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Oh, please. He said it has the same legal status AS a religion (or a 
> philosophy). He didn't say that it IS a religion (or a philosophy). Someone 
> tell me this wasn't intentional.

  I saw a "headline" yesterday on an online news source that linked to
a video.  The "headline" was, and I quote, "Woman Attacked by Chimp on
Oprah Show."  "Wow," I said to myself, "That is terrible.  This I
gotta see."  So, I go to the video.  Is a woman attacked on the Oprah
Show by a chimpanzee?  No, not at all.  The woman on the show was the
victim of an attack that had taken place quite some time ago in
another location altogether.  Was that headline misleading?
Certainly/  Intentionally?  Maybe, maybe not.  It was probably just a
matter of incompetent composition skills, written by someone who
should not be in the business of doing what they are doing.


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