Cnet is not that bad as they usually have customer reviews alongside their reviews and in some cases they include video reviews.

They do not pull punches and the customers do not either.

I have steered clear of some items due to customer reviews.


At 12:05 PM 11/13/2009, you wrote:

APM'a Future Tense daily is quick, fun, and usually of good quality.
He used to be a bit too gullible on malware stories promoted by the
security vultures, but I think his listeners straightened him out on
that because he has started to ask critical questions.

I would not say that tech "news" is limited. What is missing is good
reviews and analysis. These days when I want a product review I go
first to Amazon's customer comments.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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