LTE is only being built out by VZ from what I've read.  20-30 markets by
2010, ATT is a no go on LTE.  I've heard rumors that Tmobile is further a
long then some believe and may be introducing killer prices and speed around
Q1 2010.

Verizon is not the only one. T-Mobile was first with LTE, with tests beginning early in 2008. By comparison, Verizon is late. The technology isn't final and there are several versions, plus the alternate, WiMax.

As far as cost goes, I don't think I've been clear.  I know what retail
costs are, I'm wondering what the actual cost is of the phone for nokia or
apple or HTC to make the phone.

It's not simply labor and materials. There's R&D, design, production, salaries, benefits, advertising, marketing, transportation, wholesale/retail, online/stores, support, feedback--and profits. The real cost isn't just the physical phone, like the iPhone contract vs full retail price,

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