A five-year-old digital camera, connected to a USB port on a Win2k Machine, 
just automatically comes up as an additional [hard/flash] drive, and the 
picture [.jpg] files can be copied using Windows drag and drop or copy/paste 
procedures, etc. No user-initiated driver installation of any sort is 
necessary.  Whatever driver is needed comes with the OS and is installed 

Not so with any of three digital cameras purchased this year.  Drivers that 
work under Win2K aren't even available.  To get the pictures from the camera 
using the USB port on the camera, it must be connected to a WinXP machine, it 
seems.  Why are the camera manufacturers making it so hard?  Is this part of 

I can still get the pictures transferred from the camera to a Win2K machine by 
removing the camera's "memory" card and putting it into a card reader that is 
attached by USB to the Win2K machine, so the camera manufacturers are merely 
inconveniencing me a bit, not really preventing me from doing it.  The 
inconvenience is that the card reader is not connected "permanently" to the 
Win2K machine, so I have to fish it out of a drawer full of "stuff" when I want 
to use it.  Also, the card reader comes up as four different drives, for the 
four different slots for different typed of cards on the card reader, and the 
extra drives shown but not being used in MY Computer are sort of 

Fred Holmes

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