A little less of your ego and you might actually consider what I'm saying.
We, you and I have no idea what technology will be here in a decade, two
decades, longer..it is presumptuous to assume you are just smarter than the
previous generations and will just grok it.

Who could have imagined such things in the past?

Who could have imagined flying machines before the 20th century? Leonardo da Vinci, 15th century AD, http://www.flyingmachines.org/. Daedalus, after he designed the labyrinth for Minos [Greek Mythology, ~1200 BC]; Abbas Ibn Firnas, Córdoba, Spain, 8th century.

Who could have imagined video telephones and hand held wireless phones before personal computers and cell phones? Bell Labs, 1930; Chester Gould's Dick Tracy and his wristwatch phone, 1930s.

Who could have imagined, invented or built computers before the 20th century? The Anthikera mechanism was invented and used in Greece, ~150 BC; Charles Babbage, 1820s, 1830s.

A little less of your ego and a lot more imagination, and studying history, and you wouldn't be so clueless about the past and future of technology. When do you expect to see working models of organic computers? Human-like androids or cyborgs? How will astronauts be able to return to Earth from Mars after being exposed to cosmic radiation? When will cellular networks be available in the US as ubiquitously as in Europe and east Asia, or as fast and cheap? Or will 4G eventually be free, as in part of the commons? Will PCs disappear soon or evolve into something better and easier to use? More predictions...


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