If you can afford it, get the Sony Z5, but for $2000 you may have to
drop down to the Sony HD1000. Both are HDV, meaning they use the old
standard miniDV tapes. But really, just for web video I think you
should start with one of the cheaper cameras I mentioned earlier.

Although Youtube has started carrying 1080P videos, I think the high
end of web video is going to be 720P for a few years yet, the
limitation being broadband speeds. Depending what you're doing, a lot
of what you produce will be watched at lower resolutions than that
anyway, but right now all our material is uploaded at 720P.

And yes, in the digital video ATSC world, you're going to have to
learn the difference between 720P and 1080i/p and worse - bitrates!
Way beyond the scope of this list.

PS If you get into editing video, start with Sony's Vegas. Rock solid
on any cheap PC, and virtually no learning curve.

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