On 12/16/2009 8:29 AM, Reid Katan wrote:
Quoting mike <xha...@gmail.com>:

This sounds like someone who had a nightmare experience once and isn't going
to allow it to happen again.  I don't want to put words in Christopher's
mouth...just what I was thinking. Same reason I won't buy Hitachi drives
even if they are half the price and twice the warranty.

Not to mention, he doesn't really have to explain himself to anybody. Personally, I like something with potential to grow. Whether I use it or not.

That is why, I have the same 13-bay Full-Tower ATX that I bought ten years ago. I have upgraded the sound card, RAM, HD's, speakers, monitor, hard disk controller, floppy drive, webcam, headphones, keyboard, mouse and, digital camera; all in that time.

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