I'm just talking because someone brought the subject up. Why do I bring it up? On this list I am more and more constantly filtering out WFB / MFB back and forth yadda yadda, "Yes it is ... no it isn't ya duffas," slam / counterslam strings that mostly lack any technical substance and are much more about personal confrontation than any kind of substantive technical discussion.

So I got particular... put down some of my exact observations and experience about OS X tech inefficiencies that get in my way and are surprisingly and noticeably unintuitive.... and that I would like changed.

Why? Maybe eventually such discussions could have an effect. Tom for one is somewhat of a Mac authority. Nothing typically changes until the need is made apparent and I'm doing my bit to advance that process.

Eventually if windows continues to get worse and Linux doesn't get more general acceptance / tie-in, I may have enough reasons to switch my personal machine to OS X and figure out work-a-rounds but for now... I just do what works most easily for me... and that's not OS X.

But I do keep my ear out for Dock replacements...


b_s-wilk wrote:
OS X dock is not as much help as it easily could be and as a Linux or Window taskbars are today. The Dock is a half measure of what taskbars were always intended to be in terms of function.


The only time I use the Taskbar in Windows is to see what time it is, figure out why the WiFi isn't working, and to click on Start to shut down the computer.

Each OS has its strengths and weaknesses--many are in the eye of the user. There are plenty of utilities to change the way you interact with the systems. Analyzing and describing what annoys you about the system is futile. Find the utilities that make your system work better for you. Send your issues directly to the Apple/MS, post on their boards.

And why complain that the Mac doesn't work the same as Windows or Linux anyway?

Maybe you could use David Pogue's Missing Manuals.
Got them ... but the title of that series exactly makes my point. Mac's manuals are missing ...

So are the Windows manuals.

I'd love to switch but just can't sacrifice Window's / Linux simplicity of function in running a gadzillion windows / projects at once...

It seems that you're thinking about it too much. It's like learning a new language. Learn the language/OS and don't try to translate. It's faster and less tedious that way.

You think you're having trouble getting used to Mac OS X? Try this: I had to learn Quark XPress on a tight deadline, without a manual or tutorials because a former employee left with the expensive manuals! OS X = user friendly; Quark XPress = user hostile.

You can do it Dan! I'll drink to that! You too!

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