has some information which may or may not be enlightening.  There are other 
Wikipedia pages dealing with .net as well.

I've had similar failures to install in the past (other patches/updates).  I've 
just left them uninstalled and gone about my business.  They have eventually 
installed after another patch Tuesday or more has passed and other things have 
installed.  Never had anything that didn't work that I could trace to the patch 
that didn't install.  I do all my patching "manually," I.e., "custom" install, 
but generally take what is recommended.  Except driver upgrades.  I've had too 
many driver upgrades fail / mess things up.  I only upgrade a hardware driver 
if there is some lack / failure in performance.

Fred Holmes

At 05:01 PM 12/21/2009, Clair Esch wrote:
>Thank you John for all the information.  Actually I also allow Windows 
>Update to update whenever it wants to but this time I got the error message. 
>A search of the MS site indicated first that this would happen if .net 2.0 
>beta was installed and should be removed.  I don't know if the 2.0 on my 
>computer was beta or not but I removed it and then downloaded the 3.5 update 
>and tried to manually install it.  Same error message.  Next I had Update 
>scan and tell me if any critical updates needed to be installed.  Nothing 
>came up.  I also found the support site you linked to and as you say, no 
>walk in the park.  So, since everything seems to be running normally I will 
>let it be until I run something that indicates it needs a later version of 
>Thanks again.
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "John Emmerling" <>
>Sent: Monday, December 21, 2009 12:17 PM
>Subject: Re: .Net Framework
>OK, I found the MS Knowledge Base article on how to deal with your problem.
>Not exactly a walk in the park:
>On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 12:04 PM, John Emmerling 
>> a.) A quick visit to Google tells me you have a difficult problem if you
>> are getting this error message 0X643.  A quick overview suggests you will
>> need some technical savvy to get your way through it.  If practical, you
>> might want to try reinstalling Windows at this point.  The way I avoid 
>> this
>> type of problem is to just allow Windows Update to perform whatever update
>> it wants to, whenever it wants to.  Maybe Geeks on Call (or someone else 
>> on
>> this list) can help.  On the other hand, if you are not experiencing other
>> symptoms than this Windows Update error, then you could just ignore it for
>> the time being.
>> b.) I don't know how to tell whether any given program requires .NET.  I
>> determined (again via Google) that Office 2007 requires .NET v1.1.  It is
>> mostly a programmer's concern.  For a long time, the programming tool of
>> choice for Windows was Visual Basic.  I suspect a lot of software being 
>> sold
>> is still written in that, which will run just fine.  The .NET equivalent 
>> of
>> this is VB.NET, plus a brand new language known as C# was introduced at
>> the same time, which grew rapidly in popularity.  But if you're not a
>> programmer, you could care less.  Unfortunately, both "traditional" Visual
>> Basic and "new fangled" VB.NET and C# compilers create files with either
>> the extension ".exe" or ".dll".  I don't know how to tell from looking at
>> these how the programs were written.
>> A lot of software running on Windows is cross-platform, in which case it
>> may have been written in C++ and compiled on Windows using Visual C++.
>> There is also some stuff written in Java (I am a Java programmer).  The 
>> Java
>> programs are easiest to identify, but tend to be used by people having
>> specialized interests.
>> Hope this helps somewhat!
>> --John Emmerling

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