This list has been careful to not get into risky illegal discussion territory but it hasn't seemed to exhibit similar caution about exercising good list etiquette re: interpersonal respect..

I've seen decidedly more and more name calling , personal slights, and non value-added chatting etc on CGUYS in the last couple of years. Seems like it is resulting in fewer and fewer participants and diminished technical discussions and info.

I wasn't paying attention to who was starting it / doing it... just quickly filtering those strings to the trash can ... but I got a dose of it myself in this string.

I'd like to think that my critique and my questions re: Mac OS weren't because I am dumb or nasty.

In any case, it'd be nice if we could all back away from that. It's a list killer for sure. If it's allowed to run its course, the only people left will be angry people slamming each other...

Even the adversarial dummies in Congress know to practice etiquette of interpersonal respect in their interactions and why it's necessary to do it.

Could we all get together on that?  Does anyone else feel the way I do?


Reid Katan wrote:
Quoting mike <>:

Anyone who doesn't back Tom's fascist OS view is biased. Get in line you

I don't even care about OS. I'm not even asking about TaskBar. I just want to know what it is about putting the Dock on the side that works so much better. I'll never get an answer from Tom, I can see that already. Maybe when Betty gets around to it she can enlighten me (and anyone else that might wonder).

BTW, notice that Jeff Wright finally got tired of Tom's shit. I haven't seen him around for a while.

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