On Dec 22, 2009, at 11:29 AM, Allen Firstenberg wrote:
When I first started using OSX, I tried moving the dock around and trying different hide settings and never quite liked it. Lots of my windows put stuff on the left, and having the dock there would cover it. Setting it to
auto hide would have it slow to return when I did want it.

I suspect that hiding the Dock may be the reason some hate the Dock. It does not work as well when hidden. On my screen the dock is just 1/2 inch wide and holds 46 icons. I don't see any problem with giving up that space. I slide all the program windows over by that half inch and most apps remember that position. The dock is not just a program launcher, but also provides information about the state of the computer. The iCal icon even changes to show me the date. When I want to email a file I drag it into the Mail icon. To edit a file I drag it into the icon of the app I want to use, which will vary with what I'm doing. Hiding the Dock would deprive me of much functionality and slow me down. I would first have to drag a file to the edge to display the Dock, then scan for the app's icon, and then make another trip to the icon's location. With the Dock always visible I can scan for the icon at the same time as I drag the file over to the Dock. It is one seamless motion. Very fast.

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