Actually, if we ignore the old time BIOS viruses that were targeted to
specific hardware, the modern (but still only theoretical I think)
BIOS virus will likely simply render the machine *dead*. Replacing the
BIOS chip would bring it back to life, but realistically nobody would
go to all that trouble and instead would simply declare the
motherboard dead and replace it.

It has been shown in theory that someone could put working code into a
BIOS. But AFAIK this has never been done in the wild. Send linkage if
you know otherwise.

On Sat, Dec 26, 2009 at 9:37 AM, Fred Holmes <> wrote:
> I haven't done a BIOS flash update in a long time, but it used to be that one 
> booted to a boot floppy (some version of DOS or similar OS), and executed a 
> utility on the floppy that wrote the revised code to the BIOS.  Presumably 
> today, one downloads a Windows Program that creates/makes a CD disc, instead 
> of a floppy disk, that does the same thing???  The belt and suspenders folks 
> should download this BIOS flash program and data for their current BIOS 
> version, and have it at the ready, if one is afraid of BIOS corruption by a 
> virus.

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