The best part of this study is that American dollars didn't go to this waste
of time.

On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 5:35 PM, betty <> wrote:

> As seen in Robert L. Park's "What's New" newsletter at UMd physics site,
> He comments, "Of course, it may be the
> programming rather than being sedentary that's bad for you."
> Watching TV Linked to Higher Risk of Death
> If you're reading this sitting down, you might consider standing up.
> In a provocative look at the impact of sedentary behavior on health, a new
> study links time watching television to an increased risk of death. One of
> the most surprising findings is that it isn't just couch potatoes who were
> affected—even for people who exercised regularly, the risk of death went up
> the longer they were in front of the TV. The problem was the prolonged
> periods of time spent sitting still.
> [heartbeat]
> Australian researchers who tracked 8,800 people for an average of six years
> found that those who said they watched TV for more than four hours a day
> were 46% more likely to die of any cause and 80% more likely to die of
> cardiovascular disease than people who reported spending less than two hours
> a day in front of the tube...
> --
>  "telecommuting" is just another way of saying "lying naked with your
> laptop on the front lawn."
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