On Jan 29, 2010, at 6:46 PM, mike wrote:
As reported on Engadget and other blogs, Apple is currently running a promo on their website for the ipad showing it running flash from Adobe..which it can't do. So the ipad that can do it all, but not flash, has to lie about
doing flash?  How long till Apple pulls it?

How do you know that it is Flash and not HTML5? Both Safari 4 and FireFox 3.6 now support enough of HTML5 to handle this. If you use these up-to-date browsers you can even set your YouTube preferences to use HTML5 instead of Flash.

There is now some debate about who ships buggier software with some proposing that Adobe has now pulled ahead of M$. Many report that using the FlashBlock add-on has greatly improved their browser performance and eliminated too-frequent crashes. Apple's message to Adobe is to clean up their act if they want access.

WFBs may find frequent crashing just adds to the excitement, but not everyone does.

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