Mac fan bois bloggers Apple Insider.  Really super secret neomicrosofticons
in disguise.

On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 6:02 PM, tjpa <> wrote:

> On Jan 29, 2010, at 6:46 PM, mike wrote:
>> As reported on Engadget and other blogs, Apple is currently running a
>> promo
>> on their website for the ipad showing it running flash from Adobe..which
>> it
>> can't do.  So the ipad that can do it all, but not flash, has to lie about
>> doing flash?  How long till Apple pulls it?
> How do you know that it is Flash and not HTML5? Both Safari 4 and FireFox
> 3.6 now support enough of HTML5 to handle this. If you use these up-to-date
> browsers you can even set your YouTube preferences to use HTML5 instead of
> Flash.
> There is now some debate about who ships buggier software with some
> proposing that Adobe has now pulled ahead of M$. Many report that using the
> FlashBlock add-on has greatly improved their browser performance and
> eliminated too-frequent crashes. Apple's message to Adobe is to clean up
> their act if they want access.
> WFBs may find frequent crashing just adds to the excitement, but not
> everyone does.
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