On Feb 14, 2010, at 5:41 PM, John DeCarlo wrote:
What others are arguing, is that the physical nature of painting with a brush, or drawing with a range of pens and pencils, can be duplicated using a computer to change the characteristics of the single drawing implement you
use. And therefore, the implement doesn't matter that much.

Exactly, hence my comment about lack of imagination and illusions to parallel ports. Whenever somebody innovates we see a swell of nay sayers who can't imagine that anything could be done differently than it is being done currently. And around here great umbrage that blinders are being disturbed.

Did anyone notice that most drawing programs are operated using a mouse and that moving a mouse requires the use of one's entire arm, including a whole bunch of fingers. Both mouse and arm are considerably larger than a finger. Yet it works fine.

I expect that the iPad will bring an explosion of innovation in user interfaces. This is going to make the next few years especially difficult for M$.

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