Stuff like this is why I think Tom is just playing us all, being the troll
to get the list going, no one is this obtuse and can still function out in
the world.

On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 9:04 AM, Chris Dunford <> wrote:

> > Did anyone notice that most drawing programs are operated using a
> > mouse and that moving a mouse requires the use of one's entire arm,
> > including a whole bunch of fingers. Both mouse and arm are
> > considerably larger than a finger. Yet it works fine.
> I can't believe you said this seriously.
> The key isn't the size of the pointing device (be it arm, mouse, stylus, or
> finger), it's how much of the screen is hidden by the pointing device. The
> mouse may be large, but, unless you have a very
> strange way of using it, it doesn't cover any of the screen. A stylus
> covers very little of the screen. A finger covers quite a lot.
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