The voltage is what is required to run the camera.

If it says it needs 7.2 V make sure the rechargeable will match that.

The mah are how long the battery will last.

The more mah the longer the battery will last.

The 1100 will last almost twice as long as the 650.

Price is totally a matter of whose name is on it, and how it is made. Diffuclt for anyone but you to judge thatone.


At 03:54 PM 2/20/2010, you wrote:
I am searching online for an additional rechargeable battery for my Nikon Coolpix 775. The original battery is 7.4V 650 mAh. I am seeing choices of 7.2/7.4 800mAh (and 1000 and 1100). All say they are compatible with my camera. Most are 7.2V. Does the difference in voltage matter? Will 1100mAh last longer than 650 mAh? What is my best choice?

I've just finished a road trip and kept killing the battery. It was purchased in 2001, and really doesn't owe me anything! Radio Shack sold me a non-rechargeable for $21, along the way. Rechargeables I'm seeing online are all under $15.



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