On Feb 19, 2010, at 2:31 PM, b_s-wilk wrote:
The extra-Constitutional things that have led to the huge debt and deficits are off-budget wars, secret funds for secret programs, not the tiny fraction of our budget that goes to infrastructure like broadband and cellular communications. The government investment in infrastructure is an important part of promoting the general welfare--for both people and businesses. Crumbling infrastructure and citizens with poor health and limited means of communication leads to loss of liberty--the antithesis of promoting the general welfare.

Neocon utopia is commonly described as: Islands of opulence surrounded by squalor.

They continue to work on improving their islands and the money has to come from somewhere. So they rail against taxes and anything that involves the common good. To achieve their utopia things like broadband, network neutrality, clean air/water, a living wage, health care, rising sea levels, etc. must of course be sacrificed.

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