I am flummoxed. First they promote the over the air digital TV signal and make you go out and get "converters" so you don't hafta buy a new TV ...then you find out you only get 2 channels where you live (I have a 30' tower with uhf/vhf antenna 1h road south of Philadelphia ...no mountains here). The converters sit on a shelf...

Yup. Consumers be damned. They'll pay whatever sky-high price the broadband companies charge because there's no competition, no regulation, no accountability. Corporate government will sell--not lease--the publicly owned airwaves then make us pay big bucks to buy all new equipment so we can watch the commercial TV that we've been watching for years with our old TVs and tuners.

We did find out something to improve the over the air signal--a cheap $29 DVD recorder with an amazing tuner from Big Lots. Better than the two converter boxes we tried, plus DVD! With a cheap home-made antenna, http://www.tvantennaplans.com/, pictures are good to very good, around 20 stations, maybe more--and remember, we live even more "nowhere" than you do in NJ. Good luck with WYBE [ch.35?]. Somehow it only comes in when the Korean programs are on, then it disappears.

Sure would be nice to have affordable high-speed broadband and the cable/satellite/FIOS channels too, without being gouged for it.

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