
  It was a long and arduous search that I had to undertake in order to
find a digital TV that had a highly sensitive tuner.  I rely upon
over-the-air TV, and there is virtually no information whatsoever from
any TV maker regarding tuner specifications.  I really do not know how
a consumer can differentiate one tuner from another in a technical
sense since there does not appear to be any standards that are set for
TV tuners...

We read lots of reviews and comments, also visited what's left of the electronics stores within about 60 miles. I spent a lot of time adjusting and readjusting the in-store settings to see how 'normal' settings look. I took a couple of DVDs--one movie, another with movies compressed for iPod--to see how they looked. We even carried a home made antenna to a few stores.

It was pretty much the same as when I was looking for a portable shortwave. My test was whether I could get distant stations like BBC or Havana or Berlin or Beijing inside the store. With TVs, getting any decent signal inside a store without using the cable is a sign that things will be much better at home. We were looking for a good 24" monitor, and ended up with a very good TV instead--AOC 24" HDTV 1080p for under $200 at Staples.

What are the numbers to look for in a good TV? It's easy to figure out high def, brightness, contrast, colors, connections--but tuners? I dunno. Seems like a secret or not so secret plan to get you to pay $$$ for cable/FIOS/satellite. The antenna is in the attic. Our roof is scary, steep, high. Attic is high enough for signal. There must be some listings for signal strength and sensitivity like SNR and RF. When you get home you can do tests, but they should be in the literature for the TV before you spend your money. Are they? The specs on our TV say nothing about tuner sensitivity,, except that it's a Clear QAM tuner.

Steve, did you find out additional useful tuner specs?

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