What's wrong with Apple? Steve Jobs should have retired a long time ago and
taken his sadistic narrow micromanagement style with him.

  It is my thought that Apple wants to go with program installations
on-line as opposed to having the user employ a downloaded installer
because Apple has decided to design their devices to satisfy the needs
of the lowest common denominator as far as users of their devices is
concerned.  Apple thinks that their users are, to a great degree it
seems, a bunch of dumb asses in terms of relating to digital devices.
Apple could well be correct in that assessment, at least as far as iOS
device users go.  It seems to me as though Apple is headed in the
direction of making most of their devices suitable for easy use and
equally attractive for anyone from toddlers up to the elderly.

Apple is also making their devices much less attractive for professionals who make a living with their computers and peripheral devices.

It started with sealed computers, iPods and phones. What has always been a relatively simple process to change a battery or swap out a drive has become complicated to the point that we need special proprietary tools to open our devices to perform basic upgrades and repairs. We work on our own computers. We don't have time to send them out or wait for a tech to arrive. We have deadlines.

The last straws are twofold. First, they broke Final Cut Pro, a very expensive "downgrade/upgrade". Now they insist on installing the OS instead of permitting the user to do a very basic function. Was it REALLY necessary to discontinue Rosetta? When I finally downgrade to OS 10.7, it will cost me well over $1000 to upgrade all the important software that the new OS breaks, and more money to replace hardware that stops working--like my printer and scanner, perhaps even the interface with my camera. I like the OS, except 10.7, but the company is getting worse by the minute.

The least that Apple can do is to admit that there are pros and basic consumers, and to treat them differently, treat them with respect. Have you ever tried to unlock a version 1, 2, or 3 iPhone? Apple refuses to do what every other phone manufacturers does routinely. Have you seen the odd screws they use on iPhone 4 and their notebooks? Why is my iPod touch glued together???

Apple doesn't respect its customers, no matter their levels of expertise.


**   Info at http://www.cguys.org/   **

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