Am 12.04.2012 09:55, schrieb Jan Wedel:
> I think IClassFactory.LockServer is exactly what I'm looking for.
> However, I do not know how, when and where I should be able to access
> this method. I checked the sources and found that the factory instance
> gets lost somewhere in COMObject. [...]

You could somehow patch comtypes to make the factory instance available
in the COM object that it has created, but there are probably much
easier ways.

You could increment the COM refcount of your object from the object
itself, by calling AddRef() on it.  In the COMObject base class, and by
comtypes-magic, the method that must be called is
self.IUnknown_AddRef(None).  Calling self.IUnknown_Release(None) will
then decrement the refcount again if your are done and eventually end
the process if there are no other references to it.

The 'official' way, according to MSDN, seems to be the
CoLockObjectExternal function [1]; in comtypes it is not exposed but
you can define a method in your COMObject based class like this:

     def CoLockObjectExternal(self, fLock, fLastUnlockReleases):
         punk = self._com_pointers_.values()[0]

I'm not really sure about the differences in the two approaches.



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