
as already mentioned in my previous post to this list, I am currently 
developing a COM server using comtypes. 

>From time to time, Ive experienced some strange errors (e.g. 
COMError: Illegal memory access)  of which I dont really know 
where they come from. I have the feeling that it is related to some 
pointer mess Ive probably made. So I have some general questions:

If a methods return value is specified as ( ['out'], 
POINTER(c_ulong), , do I have to generate a c_ulong object or is it 
ok to just return a python object? E.g.:

return 42


return c_ulong(42)


Next thing is strings. I think this was the main problem of most of the 
errors I got. When a method expects a string c_wchar_p, I have the 
impression that it is necessary to use return c_wchar_p(foobar) 
instead of just return foobar to avoid illegal memory access 

What about structs? When a struct has two items, (number, c_ulong) 
and (text, c_wchar_p), how should I fill in values?

struct = SOMESTRUCT()

struct.number = 2
struct.number.value = 2
struct.number = c_ulong(2)

struct.text = foobar
struct.text.value = foobar
struct.text = c_wchar_p(foobar)

Do I have to explicitly keep a reference to this string in my server 
instance? What about returning this struct from a method? Is it OK to do 
return pointer(struct)? Or do I have to care about freeing/keeping 
the object?

Sometimes, like the errors above, I get COMErrors that I can only see in 
the client, not the server but I believe that the root cause is 
somewhere in the server. Is there a way to get more verbose COM error 
messages (I already have comtypes logging set to debug)? Probably using 
some 3rd party tools?



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