Am 27.08.2013 21:39, schrieb Uri Cohen:
> I use comtypes.automation to access an IDispatch object in an
> out-of-process server and it seems to me as if the GIL is not unlocked
> during the call. Thus when trying to invoke multiple calls on IDispatch
> objects the calls are synchronized by the GIL and all calls block if one
> of the server's methods blocks.
> I tried to figure myself how the GIL is handled by comtypes, but this
> seems to hidden somewhere down the layers in the ctypes implementation.
> Does my problem make sense and it is a known issue with the GIL? Or
> should I look harder for some other cause for my calls being synchronized?

I think there should be another source of your problem.
comtypes/ctypes always releases the GIL when calling or executing


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