Temp <Temp@...> writes:

> Hi, I'm new to comtypes (and com in general)
> I'm trying to convert some code to Python from: 
> The code is for enumeration and getting information about audio devices 
> in Windows Vista+.
> I found partial example code that gives me most of what I needed here: 
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32149809/read-and-or-change-windows-8-
> I was able to add some missing stuff.
> But I'm stuck figuring out how to add "OpenPropertyStore": 
> https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-
> It's used to get the "Friendly" name of the audio device.
> In the comtypes documentation there is a command GetModule(), that's 
> supposed to get the definition about com objects.
> But I can't figure out how to use it with the methods I need to use?
> My current code at the end of the message.
> class IPolicyConfigVista(comtypes.IUnknown):
>      _iid_ = IID_IPolicyConfigVista
>      _methods_ = (
>          _COMMETHOD([], _HRESULT,
>              'SetDefaultEndpoint',
>              (['in'], _PCWSTR, 'wszDeviceId'),
>              (['in'], _DWORD, 'eRole')),
>               )


I'm also new to COM, but I worked with some recently.
The order you define methods is important because of the vtable.
See https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20040205-00/?p=40733
So in your code when you wrap the SetDefaultEndpoint() method, you must also 
define all the previous methods, like here:
You don't have to write the full definition of the methods before, but they 
must exist. You can name them "NotImplemented", like I've done here 

Hope it helps

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