i saved this email, but maybe even better would be to commit a short
README.txt into svn itself with this table of contents you just listed.

might make it easier for folks to dive in.

On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 8:15 AM, Karl Wright <kwri...@metacarta.com> wrote:

> Once the Apache IP committee is done with the LCF grant, please note I've
> entered a number of tickets for work that would need to be done immediately
> after the software hits Apache's SVN.
> It seems to me that the highest priority of these is getting some set of
> starting ant build scripts created.  That way, committers will be in a
> position to not break the world too badly when we start de-MetaCarta-ifying
> the code itself.  I think it would also be a good idea to settle on a
> directory structure at this time, so that we all know where we are heading,
> no?
> The current structure of the granted code is as follows:
> - mcdoc contains documentation
> - mcsqa contains example tests
> - upstream-diffs contains instructions for how to include or modify
> upstream packages
> - products/connectors contains the framework itself, and all individual
> connectors, each with their own subdirectory underneath
> - products/libapache-mod-authz-annotate contains the code for the Apache2
> mod-aa module that does the search-side security piece
> - products/postgres-config contains a package that should be an example of
> how to set up postgresql properly (on debian systems, anyway)
> - products/java-environment contains a package that manages class paths for
> all the moving parts, on debian systems
> Inside the products/connectors/framework directory, there are three overall
> sections: a "core functionality" section (in java-common), which contains
> both UI common functionality as well as crawler common functionality; an
> "agent framework" section, in java-agents, which defines the concept of
> output connectors, and provides functionality concerned with handling
> document ingestion and removal from an output connection; and a "crawler
> agent" section, under "crawler", which does everything else. The UI
> component is lumped together with the "crawler agent" section right now, but
> probably is logically separable.  The authority service and web application
> are also lumped in this bin, but should also be separated, IMHO.
> I'd like therefore to propose that the guts of the "framework" directory be
> rejiggered as follows:
> - Create a new "crawler-ui" directory, consisting of the stuff from
> java-common/ui, and the crawler UI jsp code
> - Create a new "authority-webapp" directory, consisting of the authority
> service web application servlet code
> - Move the framework/crawler/pullagent directory to framework/pull-agent
> - If there aren't any interdependencies (I don't think there are, but I
> can't be sure yet), create a new "authority-service" directory, containing
> the stuff currently under
> framework/crawler/pullagent/com/metacarta/authorities.  This will introduce
> a new .jar file, but I think that's appropriate.
> There may also be some rejiggering of individual connector directory
> hierarchies, but I haven't thought as much about that yet.
> Thoughts?  Comments?
> Karl

Robert Muir

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