On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 2:15 PM, Karl Wright <kwri...@metacarta.com> wrote:
> Once the Apache IP committee is done with the LCF grant, please note I've
> entered a number of tickets for work that would need to be done immediately
> after the software hits Apache's SVN.
> It seems to me that the highest priority of these is getting some set of
> starting ant build scripts created.

I haven't seen the code yet, but does this mean there is no build
system in place at all?

>  That way, committers will be in a
> position to not break the world too badly when we start de-MetaCarta-ifying
> the code itself.  I think it would also be a good idea to settle on a
> directory structure at this time, so that we all know where we are heading,
> no?

Indeed. And while I don't want (and couldn't really care less) to
start a ant/maven/buildr/whatever flame fest, I think it might be
useful to rely on the multi-module directory layout provided by maven
(again, regardless of the build tool) as this is somewhat a friendly
solution to newcomers who will feel a bit more at home when browsing
the source code.

Gianugo Rabellino
Sourcesense, making sense of Open Source: http://www.sourcesense.com
(blogging at http://www.rabellino.it/blog/)

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