Dear Developers,

In case you haven't been following our fortunes in the list, it has become clear that ManifoldCF
has resurrected an old battle having to do with rules pertaining to
the legality of including binaries in a source release.  It is
therefore my opinion that the 0.5-incubating release will not occur
until we substantially rework our build process, especially where it
pertains to dependencies.  A short way of stating the problem is that
binary dependencies can no longer be included in the source zip/tar.gz
that gets voted on.  A request has also been made for us to remove all
previous releases that violate this principle, which is all of them.
I am waiting to see how the discussion pans out before acting on this

Our build and release process was modeled, unfortunately, on other
Apache Java projects, and these too have come under fire from the
Board because the same practice has been followed, in some cases for
more than a decade.  I'm not sure what ManifoldCF did to become the
focal point of this discussion, but there it is - and my personal
opinion is that there is no chance of us releasing 0.5 without making
significant changes.

I've captured what I think needs to be done in CONNECTORS-437, and
have been working through an ordered process of first setting up an
svn-based repository for those binaries which have been patched or
otherwise contain fixes not present in official released code, with a
long-term goal in mind of eventually having all dependencies come from
the Maven repository.  This is in svn under
"";.  I will
also be extending the "ant download-dependencies" target to pull in
ALL binaries, not just those which come with incompatible licenses.
The ticket is probably incomplete; I'll be adding more stuff as I find


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