Hi Mylene,

I haven't worked on this plugin but it looks like the issue a network is added
per-modem only, not really per-modem-context.

And, in general, how would be the best way to implement a list of context ?
Why connman, currently, handles only one internet context ? I think there was a 
reason to implement it like this. What is it ?

Yep you saw the comment on add_cm_context().

That would need to be fixed yes.
My best bet would be to revert the logic when it comes to context and network:

instead of modem->context = ...
you could have: context->modem = modem
and modem->contexts would be a list of those context (a simple GSList).

Then you would create the network with the context as data.
For the network, try to get a name made of the modem's name, and something that identifies the context (is there such thing? I don't know)

This require to change the structures and logic accordingly, could be quite some work.

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