Hi Mylene,

That would need to be fixed yes.
My best bet would be to revert the logic when it comes to context and network:

instead of modem->context = ...
you could have: context->modem = modem
and modem->contexts would be a list of those context (a simple GSList).
Yes, this is what I have done so far. I did not create a GSList but a HashTable 
to have the context_path, but it is pretty the same logic.

Unless you get dozens of contexts, go for a GSList. GHashTable does not have tiny memory footprint. (well, the current code is not perfect either. With an hashtable storing context path/data pairs is also overkill.
I guess we would need to cleanup this also one day)

Then you would create the network with the context as data.
For the network, try to get a name made of the modem's name, and something that 
identifies the context (is there such thing? I don't know)
In fact, the network is created with the context path as identifier. So I have the information but 
since it is the identifier, should I create a list of networks ? do you think it could work ? If I 
implement a list of network, the "add_network" and "connman_network_create" 
would be called twice (for the two contexts). I think you have more distance than me about the code 
: do you think it could work like this ?

Actually I missed this last time. But you seem to be on the right track.
Since you are moving towards a network per context, remove the network pointer and put it network_context structure. You will thus get in a modem: a list of context as you did, each context will point to its proper network structure. So indeed you will call add_network and connman_network_create as many times as context your modem provides.

You will have to change many functions which works on modem basis instead of context. (like set_connected, or netreg_update_strength where you would need to loop on each context from the modem, etc...) Basically, whatever exists around modem->network, you will have to adapt the code to the new logic.

I have never touched that plugin myself, so I might miss some stuff there.

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