Bryn Mawr College is soliciting brief "ballpark" estimates for consultants to 
develop a plan for creating a cost-effective and energy-efficient storage area 
for the College's Special Collections, one of the largest and richest 
collections of art, cultural artifacts, rare books and manuscripts to be found 
among liberal arts colleges in the country.  Most of our collections, including 
the historical records of the College, are currently stored in the College's 
main library, the Miriam Coffin Canaday Library, and in portions of M. Carey 
Thomas Hall, built as a library in 1910 and now primarily an academic building. 
 Bryn Mawr's small size and location, in combination with local building codes, 
make the construction of new, dedicated storage spaces impractical, so we have 
done our best over the years to maximize existing space in these buildings by 
converting non-contiguous sections of open library stacks to storage and 
exhibition areas.  These converted storage spaces, originally design
 ed for public access, do not have climate control systems appropriate for 
storing vulnerable cultural collections.  As planning begins for renovating 
these building, we have an opportunity to re-imagine our collection storage 
options, and to create spaces with the kind of temperature and humidity 
controls that are essential for the collections' long-term preservation.  To 
advance this planning, we are requesting funds to engage consultants 
experienced in retrofitting older buildings for the storage of cultural 
collections, and asking them to determine what practical and environmentally 
sustainable options are available for creating appropriate environments for the 
collections.  The project committee, which consists of Special Collections 
staff members as well as the College Architect, Energy Officer, and 
Environmental Safety Officer, will use the information collected in the study 
to develop a strategic plan for prioritizing and implementing recommended 
measures, and will begin imme
 diate implementation of transitional steps to create improved storage areas 
for the most vulnerable collections until the larger-scale renovations can take 

Marianne Weldon
Objects Conservator
Collections Manager for Special Collections
202 Canaday
Bryn Mawr College
101 North Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
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