The University of Virginia Library seeks a thoughtful and talented
candidate for a nine month Graduate Conservation Fellowship at the
University of Virginia Library.  The fellowship is being made possible by a
generous grant from the Kress Foundation

The Graduate Fellow will work primarily with special collections materials
from the Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library, developing
conservation treatment proposals, executing the approved treatment plan and
maintaining documentation throughout. Given the UVA Library's academic
mission, the items prioritized for conservation treatment will support the
instruction and outreach activities of the Library and treatment will
facilitate access for research and classroom use. The Graduate Fellow will
report to the Senior Book Conservator for UVA Library but will collaborate
with other library staff as appropriate.

The salary from the grant is $32,000. The successful candidate will receive
an additional $9,000 from the University Library, since benefits are not

To apply, please see the UVa website

Eliza Gilligan, PA-AIC

Senior Book Conservator

University of Virginia Library

ph. 434.924.6961
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