At the Canadian Centre for Architecture we are considering putting RFID 
self-adhesive book tags on the acid-free paper flags that we insert into CCA 
library books in order to identity them. Ours is a non-circulating library and 
we consider our books to be part of our collection to be preserved. We would 
place the RFID tags on the top ends of the flags. That way the tags will sit 
outside the books.  If, hpowever, flag is inadvertantly inserted upsided down 
and left inside the page block of a book for an extended period of time, could 
it cause damage ? According to the vendor (see link) the tag is « hermetically 
sealed to prevent corrosion of the transponder coil'' and the adhesive is 
''age-resistant, acid free''.  But could there be eventual creeping of the 
adhesive?  The fact that the vendor advertises why the tag is hermetically 
sealed confirms to me that the tags must remain outside of our book in case  we 
ever get a defective tag or a  tag is damaged and the hermetic seal broken. I 
haven't found any information about what these tags are made of.  Another 
vendor simply says their tags are paper, with a synthetic option available.
I'd appreciate hearing from anyone with experience or opinions on the use of 
RFID tags to identify books in a museum library collection.

Karen Potje
Chef, Conservation/Restauration
Head, Conservation/Preservation
Centre Canadien d'Architecture
1920, rue Baile, Montréal, Québec
Canada H3H 2S6

514 939 7001 x 1236<>

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