Thank you for including these on the consdistlist. Here are the courses for the next two months. If you want me to change format of what I submit to make it easier for you just let me know.

Here are the upcoming online professional development opportunities at Museum Study for June and July

Social Relevance: Environmental Sustainability in Museums course begins June 5 on The public discussion of the environment and climate change is an important opportunity for museums to connect more deeply with their communities. It is also an opportunity to protect and strengthen their institutions. Join Instructor Sarah Sutton author of Environmental Sustainability at Historic Sites and Museums, The Green Nonprofit and Co-author of The Green Museum for this course which will be a survey of the practical aspects of interpretation and public programming, operational changes, building construction, and community engagement in service to the message of how changes in our museum work can deepen museums’ connections to their communities and increase museums’ charitable value. For more information visit our website:

Emergency Preparedness online course begins June 12 on
A Disaster Preparedness/Emergency Response Plan is one of the 5 core documents listed by the American Alliance of Museums. Join Rebecca Fifield for the four week online course Emergency Preparedness where we will discuss initiating an emergency planning effort, writing an emergency plan, assembling and training a recovery team, and evaluating and maintaining readiness. For more information visit our website:

Rights & Reproductions: Guidelines and Best Practices begins July 3 on In the ever-shifting environment of new technologies, digital reproductions, and burgeoning social media uses, the rights and permissions landscape is rapidly changing. Join instructor Anne M. Young for the four week online course "Rights & Reproductions: Guidelines and Best Practices" participants will receive a broad overview to the key functions of a rights and reproductions specialist at a cultural institution. For more information visit our website:

Introduction to Heritage Interpretation online course begins July 3 on Interpretation is the most powerful communication process any historic or heritage site has available to communicate its message(s) to visitors! It is in the interpretation of the sites story to visitors where the "heritage" of the site is brought to light. Interpretation makes the site come to life for the visitors, giving the site relevance and importance. It reveals to visitors, in powerful and memorable ways, the differences between "old" and historic. Join instructor John Veverka for the course Introduction to Heritage Interpretation. The 4 week online course is an entry level interpretation course, the first in our series of interpretation courses. We will review the current state-of-the-art in interpretive philosophy, techniques and services, based on "outcome based" interpretation. For more information visit our website:

Salvage & Recovery of Cultural Heritage Collections course begins July 10 on The unpredictable impact of emergencies and disasters on cultural property can be minimized by training in Emergency Preparedness and response techniques. This course is designed to develop knowledge and skills in emergency actions and salvage decision making. Students will increase their ability to respond and recover from disasters of all types and sizes. Class participants can be at any level of expertise. For more information visit our website:

ID & Care of Photographs on Paper course begins July 10 on
Join photographic materials conservator Kim DuBois for ID & Care of Photographs on Paper. The course will help participants to identify items in their collections by using the characteristics, aging properties, and the clues found in the photographs. When introduced to the photographs, participants will learn their unique properties & how they age. Discussions and images shared in the lessons, assignments and forums, will help build confidence in identification skills. After completion of this course, participants should be able to make better decisions concerning storage materials & proper environments. For more information visit our website:

Brad Bredehoft
Museum Study, LLC

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