Special issue honoring Christopher Clarkson, call for papers.

Date for article submission is extended to September 30th, 2017.

IADA would like to dedicate a special issue of the Journal of Paper 
Conservation to
Clarkson and his work. All members of the conservation community and associated
fields who have worked or trained with Clarkson or have been inspired by his
influential work are invited to submit papers relating to his research and 
practice, as
well as recollections of mutual projects and experiences. Past unpublished
interviews and seminal writings by Clarkson would also be welcome.
Please review JPC guidelines for article submission:

Submissions should be emailed to: jpc.submiss...@iada-home.org.

For any queries please contact special guest editor Rhea DeStefano: 
Unsubscribe by sending a message to consdistlist-le...@cool.conservation-us.org
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