Fellowship in Objects Conservation at the Smithsonian's National Museum of 
African Art

The Smithsonian's National Museum of African Art is the only facility in the 
United States dedicated exclusively to the exhibition and preservation of 
Africa's traditional and contemporary arts.  With the generous support of the 
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Museum is pleased to offer a post-graduate 
fellowship in conservation that provides the opportunity to further refine 
examination and treatment skills, and to pursue collection-based research.  The 
fellow will gain experience working in our small, collaborative museum 
environment, which has access to the resources at the Museum Conservation 
Institute and the larger Smithsonian research community. Beginning in fall 
2018, the one-year fellowship (renewable for a second year) is part of an 
initiative designed to promote conservation training, diversity in the 
profession, and African art scholarship.

The fellow's own interests will help dictate the selection of objects to be 
treated and a research direction, and the incumbent may participate in work 
generated by the museum's exhibition and acquisition schedule.  There is the 
opportunity to treat contemporary as well as traditional artworks. The fellow 
will pursue a research project that contributes to African art conservation 
and/or art history and participate in the mentoring of undergraduate 'explorer' 
interns and pre-program interns.

The fellowship is open to US and International citizens who are recent 
graduates from a recognized conservation training program, or have equivalent 
experience, and who have proficient English language skills (written and 

Applicants must register and submit an online application via the Smithsonian 
Online Academic Appointment system 
(SOLAA)<https://solaa.si.edu/solaa/SOLAAHome.html>.  After registering, sign 
onto the SOLAA system.  At the top of the screen, select "Start your 
Application"; Select "Fellowship" and "National Museum of African Art" from the 
drop-down program lists.

Stipend: $43,000/year plus healthcare and  travel/research stipends

Deadline for application: February 16, 2018
For further information contact:  Dana Moffett, Senior Conservator 

Dana Moffett
Senior Conservator
National Museum of African Art
Smithsonian Institution
Washington DC

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