The National Heritage Science Forum (UK) is looking to commission research into 
pathways into postgraduate training and careers in heritage science. The 
‘Careers in Heritage Science’ project aims to provide insight into why students 
choose whether or not to pursue post-graduate training and careers in heritage 
science, and what happens to young researchers following the completion of 
their studies. We want to understand how heritage science is perceived by 
training providers, employers and those starting out in their careers.

The project will gather labour market intelligence through surveys and 
interviews with these three groups. The results will inform NHSF actions and 
strategies to grow and sustain the heritage science workforce, to meet the 
future needs of cultural heritage in light of Brexit and major national 
infrastructure projects.

Applicant information:

The full project brief is available here:

Questions about the tender can be submitted until 12 noon (GMT) on the 20 
November 2017; the deadline for applications is 4 December 2017. All applicants 
should be informed of the outcome by the 10 January 2018.

Completed applications should be sent to: 

Lisa Randisi
National Heritage Science Forum
Twitter: @HertSci_UK

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