Demonstration Day Spectral Imaging XPECAM platform by XPECTRALTEK Antonio Cardoso
20th April 2018
Venue SRAL Studios Wiebengahal Avenue Ceramique 224 Maastricht The Netherlands

The workshop will focus on the current Spectral Imaging Technology used in active and preventive art conservation. The basic principles of spectral imaging will be discussed, and the available technological solutions explained. Potential applications on cultural heritage will be presented from real case studies, and the future perspectives will be discussed. XpectralTEK is a company with focus on imaging diagnostic, creating tools to assist professionals in their daily work. It offers quality proven solutions, with specialisation in spectral imaging. XpectralTEK have developed a system capable of high resolution imaging in real time. Two systems already exist: XpeCAM X01, which operates between 350-1200nm and captures images with up to 30 bandwidths, and XpeCAM X01-DOC which operates between 350-1150nm with 11 bandwidth. Both systems are driven by proprietary XpecEYE software that is fully functional and easy to use. These will be demonstrated during this one day event.
The seminar will be lead by Antonio Cardoso.

10:30 Welcome and Coffee
11:00 Introduction Spectral Imaging in Art Conservation XPECAM Platform: Current Technology
12:00 Lunch break (at own cost)
13:00 Hands-on session XpeCAM equipment and software
15:00 Advanced Post Processing Analysis
15.30 Coffee Break
16:00 Discussion session: Technology sum-up and questions
16:30 End of Spectral Imaging Workshop

Price € 70,00
Fees will include refreshments only. Please bring your own lunch.
There will be 15 places available for:
conservators in museum or private practice
conservation scientists
technical art historians
imaging specialists
Registration forms are available at or
Registration Deadline 1st April 2018.
Discount bookings for accommodation at Townhouse Design Hotel through SRAL.
Organisers: Kate Seymour and Siska Losse

This event is sponsored by EU funding: Norte2020 and Portugal 2020

Stichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg (SRAL) is a leading institute specialised in the conservation and restoration of paintings, sculptures, contemporary artworks and historic interiors. We provide an integrated approach to conservation issues through research, consultancy and education.

Siska Losse
Stichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg (SRAL)
Avenue Ceramique 224
6221 KX Maastricht
The Netherlands

T.: +31(0)43 3218444

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