Apologies for c ross posting:

The building housing our museum's Exhibitions Center (we are a tenant within a 
larger commercial complex) has been undergoing major roofing repairs for the 
last several months, and the work is expected to continue over the next year. 
The tar fumes are quite noticeable inside the building at times, and have 
occasionally been unpleasant enough that we have closed to the public. The 
question of what effect the fumes may have on the artifacts (mixed collections) 
has come up. We are trying to assess whether the risks inherent in clearing the 
top floor of all collections and moving them to offsite storage are more or 
less of a danger than leaving the collections exposed to fumes. I have not been 
able to find any hard data to support either argument, but my instincts tell me 
that a major collections move may well be the riskier option, especially since 
our offsite storage options are not climate controlled and have no fire 
sprinklers. Do any of the list members have relevant experience and insight?


Dee Stubbs-Lee, CAPC, MA
Conservator / Restauratrice
New Brunswick Museum/
Musée du Nouveau-Brunswick
277 Douglas Avenue
Saint John, New Brunswick
E2K 1E5

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