We kindly ask you to contribute to the development of guidelines for 
responsible use of heat set tissues and films in paper conservation by filling 
out this survey: https://heatset.limequery.com/349363?lang=en 

The survey is part of a larger research project that prepares for the 
conservation of hundreds of thousands of technical drawings in the collection 
of Het Nieuwe Instituut, Museum for Architecture, Design and Digital Culture 
(Rotterdam, NL).  Together with Hoogduin Papierrestauratoren (Delft, NL), the 
architecture museum is currently conducting research into the side effects of 
heat set tissues. The research aims to develop guidelines that should ensure 
heat set tissues and films are used with minimal impact on the object. The 
research project is funded by Metamorfoze, the Netherlands' National Programme 
for the Preservation of Paper Heritage. 

Heat set tissues and heat set films have been on the market since the early 
eighties and are used by paper conservators around the world. Their use, 
however, is contested. Not in the least because heat set tissues and films 
require the application of heat. 

Still, for many of their applications, there does not seem to be a viable 
alternative. The forthcoming guidelines should help conservators and collection 
managers to make informed decisions with regard to treatment strategies, 
especially when these concern mass conservation projects. To ensure that the 
outcome of this research is relevant to the field of conservation, we kindly 
ask you to contribute by filling out this survey asking you if, how and why you 
use heat set tissues or films.

Depending on your answers, the survey takes about 10 to 20 minutes to complete. 
It is possible to save your answers and complete the survey at a later time. 
The survey runs until the 30th of September. After this date it will no longer 
be possible to submit your answers. Responses to this survey are anonymised, 
but there is an option to leave your contact details should you want to be kept 
informed of further developments.

Thank you for you effort, 

Aafke Weller and Hilde Schalkx 

Hoogduin Papierrestauratoren (Delft, The Netherlands)

wel...@atelierhoogduin.nl <mailto:wel...@atelierhoogduin.nl>
scha...@atelierhoogduin.nl <mailto:scha...@atelierhoogduin.nl> 




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