On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 4:29 AM, Ratnadeep Debnath <rtn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Till now, Nulecule's focus has been to be a spec to package and ship
> nested, composable multi container applications. Well, it helps us to
> focus on a smaller problem and solve it well. This also keeps
> implementation of Nulecule, e.g., atomicapp, lean and simple.
> However, is it enough?
> I will try to highlight a few shortcomings of the current Nulecule spec:
> - the spec file does not fully describe the architecture of the
> applications
> - it's difficult to get started with Nulecule as it requires knowledge
> of underlying providers
> - it's not possible to use the same Nulecule spec to deploy a Nulecule
> application across providers without writing artifacts for each
> provider
> So, we are thinking in the lines of extending Nulecule SPEC to
> describe a multi container application completely in the SPEC file,
> similar to Docker compose file. This will enable us to:
> - to automatically generate artifact files for underlying providers
> from the SPEC file
> - to override the generated artifact files, if needed
> The advantages of such a change would be:
> - zero barrier entry for developers
> - package once, in one language, and deploy anywhere
> This move will be beneficial to:
> - developers, with little knowledge about openshift, k8s, marathon, etc.

​I disagree that we can shoulder the burden of making openshift or
kubernetes or anything else easier to use. We haven't been successful
making our own tooling easy to use and adopt. The platform has to do this

> - ISVs to package apps to run across multiple providers
- switch seamlessly to another provider

> We're keen to hear your feedback on the above proposed changes. Will
> this help to make Nulecule more awesome and user friendly? Let us know
> what you think.
> Thanks,
> rtnpro
> --
> Ratnadeep Debnath,
> https://www.waartaa.com
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