Brett Porter a écrit :

On 11/07/2007, at 5:51 PM, Emmanuel Venisse wrote:

Brett Porter a écrit :
This sounds fine to me.
Questions I think weren't answered here:
- how do you track when the modules change - by comparing <modules> to the list of projects in a group? If so, how to handle the edge cases where extra projects are added to or removed from a group aside from the modules? - how do you handle the removal of a module from a POM when the project is still in Continuum? Will that just delete the project, and if so what happens to the build history, etc.? (sounds dangerous!)

I don't think we should delete projects that are already in Continuum, it should be a manual opration done by a group admin.

I agree - what I'm wondering is how the group admin knows to do so (for now, a simple email should probably suffice).

agree. Wed can add too a "ToDo" page that list actions to do. The admin can 
accept or refused the action.
In this page we'd can list all actions done on a group (project 
added/deleted/modified, the user that done the action...), but it is an other 
feature :)


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