On Mon, September 3, 2007 12:39 pm, Graham Leggett wrote:

> When I enter the POM url of
> "https://svn.server/svn/alchemy/Rhapsody/Development/native/trunk/pom.xml";
> I get the error:
> "The specified resource isn't a file or the protocol used isn't allowed."

Looking at the svn server log, it seems that when no username and password
is specified, continuum correctly connects to the SSL svn server, 401
access denied is returned by the server, and continuum correctly handles
the access denied condition.

But - when a username and password *are* specified, continuum makes no
attempt to contact the svn server, nothing appears in the server log.

It looks like continuum is currently not capable of supporting building
code from repositories which are password protected.


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