Hi there

First off, please forgive me if everyone else has posted the same 
problem. I've looked for list archives in the Mandrake Forum and around 
but haven't found any.

Specs: Beige G3 with 128MB RAM and a 4GB Hard Drive.
Here is the problem. When I run the script "Install Mandrake PPC 8.2" I 
just the a dialog saying "Sorry, can't setup BootX". Thats it.

Are there any logs I can look at?

Here is the process I've used
1. Reformat drive to two partitions with HFS Standard on first partition 
of 400MB. Second partition is unallocated.
2. Install Mac OS 8.6 on first partition.
3. Boot into Mac OS 8.6 and copy BootX folder onto desktop from Mandrake 
CD. Use Stuffit Expander to expand the "Mandrake Linux Install.sit" archive.
4. Double-click on "Mandrake Linux Install", and then double click on 
"Install Mandrake PPC 8.2", whereupon I get the dialog saying "Sorry, 
can't setup BootX".

For what it is worth, I've used YellowDogLinux up until now on a number 
of Beige G3 machines with success. The Mandrake Distro is attractive, 
firstly because of the security features, and secondly, because I'm 
running it with Intel as well.

Thanks for your help.


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