
> If I close the lid on my notebook (acer travelmate TXV-734, PIII
> 600mhz) or use "apm -s" the system goes to sleep, but when I try to
> wake it the harddrive spins up and the backlight comes on but the
> system will not otherwise respond. A reboot is needed (alt sysrq b).
> Once so far I was prompted for my password (??!) and then my desktop
> reappeared. 
> This only happens in X (KDE). If I am in console mode the system wakes
> up fine. 

Try playing around with the settings in /etc/sysconfig/suspend: 

 - comment out CHANGE_VT
 - set LOCK_XFREE="no"

  Michael Reinsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                       http://mr.uue.org

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