> On Fri, Jun 06, 2003 at 08:55:18PM +0200, Buchan Milne wrote:

> yes and you get mail for mister rpcuser actually delivered :(

Which can easily be prevented, especially when using courier+ldap.

>>> By taking advantage of an LDAP environment, and using PAM, if I
>>> create an LDAP account, virtually everything else can be done
>>> automagically. /home directory can be created, samba shares can be
>>> created & assigned (although I haven't gotten that far yet).
> you can script user/mailbox creation at the same time you script
> addictional activities dealing with user creation/renaming/removal.

Why should the admin *need* to script things to make it a viable solution?
Sure, being able to script things is nice, but the fact that you need to
script things is what currently prevents many people from implementing
Linux instead of Windows!

> auto mailbox creation may only solve creation, but does not deal with
> removal or renaming.
> IMHO this should be in a user administration frontend, not in an imap
> daemon.

Well, then where is the administration tool. And I don't mean another
web-based interface. Why do we need 17 web interfaces to get the same
functionality as one UI framework in Windows?

IMHO, if it's not accessible in Mandrake Control Center (or whatever will
be the server configuration equivalent of it), we need to ensure that a
newbie admin would easily find what needs to be done.

Windows didn't get their market share by making things difficult for the
user, and making something easy to use doesn't make it less stable or
insecure (as long as it's done the right way).

Maybe we need to start working pro-actively on what the config tools for
each service should be capable of doing, so we can be sure libconf will
address it ...


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