On Fri, 26 Sep 2003 18:09, Austin wrote:
> Old corporate style is official and looks nice (use XML-related
> format or whatever), and can be edited with your favorite editor, but
> can't be transferred easily to the wiki, where most docs should
> reside IMHO.  At the very least, it draws people to the wiki.

> New community style is to write the doc on the wiki.  Problem is
> editing a large document in a web browser, no syntax highlighting,
> etc.  Does anyone know of an editor for wiki markup?  Also, the
> document is then not easily published elsewhere.  Is there an easy
> way to convert wiki markup to pure HTML, or PDF, or some other
> publishing format?

> This is something that should be sorted out, as doc writing is an
> amazing source of free labour, and allows not-so-technical people to
> help out too.

The alternative is to regularly update the formal doc from the Wiki, and 
occasionally browse the Wiki for new formal-doc candidates. Some effort 
required, but cut-and-paste isn't as hard as thinking up and typing the 
text in the first place.

A first-pass Wiki-to-corporate translator script would probably be 

Cheers; Leon

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